



As a coach, volunteer and/or parent with a child involved in a soccer program sponsored by Rose Tree Soccer Club (the “Club”), and as a condition to my child or my participation in the Club, I agree to the following:


Parents, Volunteers:

1.      I will not force my child to be a participant.

2.      I will remember that the children participate to have fun and the game is for them.

3.      I (and my guests) will encourage good sportsmanship by showing respect, courtesy and by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials and spectators. 

4.      I (and my guests) will not engage in unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player, or parent including, but not limited to: booing, taunting, or using profane language or gestures.

5.      I will not encourage any behaviors or practices that would endanger the health and well-being of the athletes.

6.      I will teach and encourage my child to treat other players, coaches, officials and spectators with respect regardless of race, creed, color or ability.

7.      I acknowledge that encouraging children to have fun and to learn the game is more important than winning.

8.      I will respect the officials and coaches and their authority during games, including a request to leave the field.  I will not question or confront them at the field, and I will notify Club representatives if I have a problem with a coach, official or other parent.

9.      I will refrain from coaching my child or other players during games unless I am one of the official coaches of the team.



1.      I will abide by the Code of Conduct applicable to parents, volunteers, as stated above.

2.      I will learn the rules of the game and the policies of the Club.

3.      I will pursue coaching education and obtain the US Soccer coaching licenses required by the Club.  I will teach the game using RTSC sanctioned methodologies for player development.

4.      I will emphasize skill development over winning.

5.      I will not encourage any behaviors or practices that would endanger the emotional and physical health and well-being of the athletes, and I will notify the Club of any injury or incident where a child is seriously injured.

6.      I will teach the players to play by the laws of the game and to resolve conflicts without resorting to name calling, taunting, hostility or violence.

7.      I will respect the officials and other coaches and their authority during games.  I will not question or confront them at the field. Instead, I will speak with them at an appropriate and agreed upon time and place, or contact one of the Club’s board members or the Club’s designated representative to address any problems I may have with a coach, an official, a player, or a parent.



I further agree that any alleged violation of these rules may result in my being asked to leave the field upon the request of an official or the Club’s designated representative present at the field, and following any such dismissal from the field or a report of an alleged violation, the Club, through its Board or designated representative may, at its sole discretion, investigate the alleged violation; if it is determined that I have violated this Code of Conduct, the Club, at its sole discretion, may remove me as a participant or spectator and/or suspend me from attending games for the remainder of a season or a portion thereof.  In the event of a second violation of the Code of Conduct, the Club at its sole discretion may revoke future participation in any Club program both for the violator and the immediate family members of that individual. 








PA Child Abuse Laws & RTSC - Friday, October 30, 2015
As you have probable heard, Pennsylvania has enacted a number of laws regarding Child Safety that have a significant impact on paid and unpaid volunteers (coaches, trainers, etc).   While the implementation of these laws has been delayed by Governor Wolf, they will begin taking effect in the coming months.  

Additional information is available here (Pennsylvania - Keep Kids Safe PA) 

Therefore, RTSC has started putting processes in place to ensure the Club is compliant with these laws.  These laws have significant penalties if we (RTSC) do not ensure compliance of the designated volunteers (paid and unpaid), but ultimately the burden is on you to provide the Club with certifications and documents establishing your clearance to work with the youth in Rose Tree Soccer Club.  In order to manage compliance with these Laws, RTSC has retained a service to help us administer our processes.  

More information about Clearcheck and their process is available at this site (

Ultimately you are responsible for obtaining the necessary clearances and posting them on Clearcheck so that we can clear you to work with our soccer players.  Following are the next steps:

You will be receiving an email from Clearcheck addressed to the email that you used to register with RTSC - this email will include a web link (, your userid and your passcode.  Instructions are available once you have logged in to Clearcheck.
We are requesting everyone to obtain PA Child Abuse and Pennsylvania State Police (PATCH) clearances at this time; in the future you may also be required to obtain an FBI clearance.  If you already have these clearances, you only need upload a copy of them to Clearcheck.  If you have not obtained clearances yet, the links to the appropriate government agencies are available on

We are working to minimize the disruption to our activities – but we are also working to ensure the safety of our Youth Players and ask your patience with these processes.  If you have issues along the way, or are uncertain how to proceed, please send an email to [email protected] … and we will work with you.  Thank you for volunteering and your continuing support for Rose Tree Soccer Club.

US Soccer - Concussion Safety Changes - Wednesday, November 11, 2015

CHICAGO (Nov. 9, 2015) – The named Plaintiffs in the Mehr youth soccer concussion litigation and the U.S. Defendants, the United States Soccer Federation, United States Youth Soccer Association, American Youth Soccer Organization, US Club Soccer and the California Youth Soccer Association are pleased to announce a resolution of the lawsuit.

The United States Soccer Federation and the other youth member defendants, with input from counsel for the plaintiffs, have developed a sweeping youth soccer initiative designed to (a) improve concussion awareness and education among youth coaches, referees, parents and players; (b) implement more uniform concussion management and return-to-play protocols for youth players suspected of having suffered a concussion; (c) modify the substitution rules to insure such rules do not serve as an impediment to the evaluation of players who may have suffered a concussion during games; and (d) eliminate heading for children 10 and under and limit heading in practice for children between the ages of 11 and 13. The complete details of the initiative along with a more comprehensive player safety campaign will be announced by U.S. Soccer in the next 30 days.

Steve Berman, lead counsel for the plaintiffs said: “We filed this litigation in effort to focus the attention of U.S. Soccer and its youth member organizations on the issue of concussions in youth soccer. With the development of the youth concussion initiative by U.S. Soccer and its youth members, we feel we have accomplished our primary goal and, therefore, do not see any need to continue the pursuit of the litigation. We are pleased that we were able to play a role in improving the safety of the sport for soccer-playing children in this country.”

U.S. Soccer CEO/Secretary General Dan Flynn of the United States Soccer Federation representing the Federation and the other youth members said: “We are proud to be leaders in the areas of concussion education and management. The development of a player safety initiative was under way before the current lawsuit was filed. In constructing the concussion component, U.S. Soccer sought input from its medical science committee which includes experts in the field of concussion diagnosis and management, as well as from its technical advisors, and worked with its youth members to develop a true consensus-based program. We are pleased that the plaintiffs and their counsel recognize the steps we have taken and look forward to sharing the benefits of the youth concussion initiative with players, coaches, officials and parents.”

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