RTSC Youth Travel Teams for the 2019 Fall Soccer Season are listed below; RTSC will field as many teams as there are sufficient players and qualified coaches. Teams will be added and dropped as conditions warrant (numbers of players and coaches) during the Tryout process; the goal is to finalize the Travel Teams including player assignments and Coaches by Memorial Day Weekend.
The Player Team assignments, and Coach selection process is managed by a Committee of the RTSC Board of Directors; decisions are based on information received from Player/Coach applications, previous Coach evaluations, Travel Tryout evaluations and Parent surveys (Coach selections).
All Coaches are required to apply each year and go through the Coaching Selection process. As Coaches are selected for each team, this page will be updated. Teams that show TBA under Coach may be for one or more of the following reasons:
- There may be multiple applicants for a single Coaching position
- The Coach is assumed to Coach their offspring, and the player assignment has not been determined
- No Coach has completed the application process and been selected by the Tryout Committee
For U09 through U12, any questions should be directed to the Director of that Program (Boys Travel, Girls Travel)
The Club goal is to complete team selections and communicate the Travel Teams (players and coaches) by Memorial Day Weekend.